About The Book

About The Book

Rolling Harder

Goggin’s story goes beyond the physical challenges; it delves into the emotional and societal barriers that individuals with disabilities often confront. “Rolling Harder” is a candid exploration of the societal perceptions that shape the experiences of those living with disabilities and an invitation to challenge preconceived notions about what is achievable.

The book is not just a personal account but a beacon of hope for anyone facing adversity, as Goggin shares the strategies, mindset shifts, and support systems that empowered him to overcome obstacles. From navigating daily life to pursuing education and career goals, “Rolling Harder” serves as a guide for individuals with disabilities and a source of insight for those seeking a deeper understanding of the challenges they face.

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Why Choose Us

The heart of “Rolling Harder” lies in Goggin’s personal experiences, starting from his early days navigating a world designed for able-bodied individuals. Born with a disability, he faced obstacles that could have easily discouraged him, yet he emerged not as a victim but as a determined force of nature. The memoir recounts the trials and tribulations he encountered, emphasizing the transformative power of a positive mindset and unwavering determination.